Kitchen Catechism: Featured Articles

Change of Pace

by Lois Donahue

For so long now, I have burdened you with words and words and more words. One of my New Year’s resolutions is to regularly give you a change of pace. I am not sure myself just what it might be but I promise it will not be word heavy. Here’s my first offering.

To My Dear Catholic Women – I need you to be my presence in our world and because of that need ---

I expect you to care for the ones entrusted to you as my mother cared for me I expect you to speak unashamedly of me as I spoke of my Father I expect you to touch with compassion as Veronica touched I expect you to care for those in need as did the Good Samaritan I expect you to feel the pain of others as evidenced by the tearful women of Jerusalem I expect you to share what you have as Joseph of Arimathaea did


I do not expect you to take abuse any more than I expected it of the adulteress I do not expect you to remain slaves to the selfishness of others anymore than it was expected of our ancestors in Egypt I do not expect you to accept the wrongs in your society anymore than I accepted the money changers in the temple

and for those days when you can’t hear my voice or feel my presence don’t forget I promised I’d always be with you and above all else – remember: I love you.

-- Jesus





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"Nothing should
frighten or grieve you.
Let not your heart be troubled. Am I, your Mother,
not here with you?"

"Nothing should
frighten or grieve you.
Let not your heart be troubled. Am I, your Mother,
not here with you?"

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