Kitchen Catechism: Featured Articles


by Lois Donahue

The last time we came together I gave you my attempted listing of women whose names appear in the Bible. Now it seems only fair that I should make a similar attempt on behalf of the ‘unnamed’ women of Scripture. While last month I listed the women alphabetically, that is obviously impossible this time -- so, in line with what seems to have become, for better or worse, ‘trendy’ I will divide them into groups.

The first group is primarily made up of specific, in spite of being nameless, women with whom we are more apt to be familiar plus a few I thought might interest you. They are ---


1. Cain’s wife and mother of Enoch. (Gen 4:17

2. Noah’s wife and daughters-in-law who joined him in the Ark. (Gn 7:7)

3. Lot’s wife whose curiosity overcame her obedience and she was turned into a pillar of salt. (Gn 19:15-26) (His two daughters, also mentioned, apparently left Sodom safely.)

4. Potiphar’s wife who tried to seduce Joseph and had him thrown in jail. (Gn 39:7-20)

5. Pharaoh’s daughter who found Moses, adopted and raised him. (Ex 2:1-10)

6. Woman who dropped a millstone on the head of an evil King and caused his death. (Jdgs 9:53-54 2 S 11:21)

7. Mother of the daughter whom Jephthah intentionally sacrificed because of a vow he had made. (Jdgs 11:30-40)

8. Wife of Manoah, mother of Samson. (Jdgs 13:2-24)

9. Samson’s Philistine wife. (Jdgs 14:2,8,15-17,20 !5:1-2,6)

10. The “medium” whom Saul consulted when he felt abandoned. (1 S 28:7-14)

11. A housewife who saved the lives of Ahimaaz and Jonathan by hiding them. (2 S 17:20)

12. Wise woman who saved her city by negotiating with attackers. (2 S 20:16-22)

13. Two “harlots” who each claimed to be the mother of the same child - the wisdom of Solomon discovered the real mother. (1 K 3:16-27)

14. The Queen of Sheba who had a mutual admiration relationship with Solomon. (1 K 10:1-13 2 Ch 9:1-9)

15. Mother of a son who died because of sins committed by his father. (1 K 14:1-17)

16. Poor widow who, thanks to Elisha, was miraculously saved from debt. (2 K 4:1-7)

17. Woman of influence who, with her husband, provided a place for Elisha to stay and whose son was brought back to life. (2 K 4:8-37)

18. Daughters of Job who were killed when a house collapsed. (Job 1:18-19)

19. Job’s wife who said to him: “Are you still holding to your innocence? Curse God and die.” (Job 2:9-10)

(From the New Testament)

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"Nothing should
frighten or grieve you.
Let not your heart be troubled. Am I, your Mother,
not here with you?"

"Nothing should
frighten or grieve you.
Let not your heart be troubled. Am I, your Mother,
not here with you?"

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